Photo to text napoleon dynamite
Photo to text napoleon dynamite

They are bullied and made fun of at parts because they sometimes do things in ways some people might find weird. Napoleon and his friends are misfits and it shows the truth in how people who are not seen as popular are treated. There is a lot of truth-filled in the way that the high school environment is portrayed. It was very important for us to have a movie that everyone would enjoy and would also be appropriate for us all to see. Although we are all older now, at one point in time, my family ranged from young adults to little children. Personally, this is why my family loves this movie so much. This shows audience awareness because there is nothing a child could not see or hear, making it family-friendly. It is a feel-good movie and it never uses any profane language and makes no inappropriate references. Napoleon Dynamite is a movie designed to be appropriate for the entire family to enjoy. Napoleon Dynamite became a box office bonanza and a cultural phenomenon, and spawned an animated series. There's a scene in which a school bus full of kids stops in front of a field where a farmer is on the verge of shooting a cow in the head with a rifle at point-blank range the violence is not shown, but strongly implied by the reactions of the kids. Napoleon's uncle tries to sell breast enhancement supplements door-to-door, so there's talk of breasts, breast size. And there is mild sexual innuendo, along with some kissing and embracing. The language is never obscene characters rely instead on insults ("idiot," "sicko," "retarded") and disguised swearing ("frickin'," "flippin'," "crap").

photo to text napoleon dynamite photo to text napoleon dynamite

The comic action includes slapstick pratfalls (bike injuries to the groin, for instance) and exaggerated bullying by school tough guys.

photo to text napoleon dynamite

When the teen, Pedro, runs for class president against the popular girl, there's a scene in which characters hit a pińata made to look like the popular girl. While the film is comical and satirical in its presentation, the authority figures of the high school, as well as one of the popular girls, reveal ignorance and prejudice toward a Mexican teen who is new to the school. While it ultimately celebrates nerds and misfits, some may feel it fuels mockery and ridicule others will simply find it funny. Parents need to know that Napoleon Dynamite is a quirky 2004 indie coming-of-age comedy.

Photo to text napoleon dynamite